Recurring payments

Set up scheduled recurring payments effortlessly with UKRCARD
Increase your profits
Reduce customer churn
Forecast your profit
How it works
Recurring payments are the payments on a fixed schedule that do not require confirmation from the cardholder or account holder. The customer does not need to remember the date of payment and does not need to enter the card details every time.
The customer creates an account on the website or in the mobile app
They enter the payment data and agree to the terms and conditions of the auto-debit
The following payments are made automatically and the customer is notified
What types of business it suits
How to set up
Use our API and make a plan of withdrawals that is the most suitable for your business
  • Choose the start date of auto withdrawals
  • Specify the amount and the time interval
  • Determine the number of payments
  • Suspend the plan for any time period